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Unplug & Lights Out Lunch

When appliances are plugged in - even while not in use - they are using what is called "phantom power."  Beth Brindle's research shows, "[this power] is used by appliances and electronics when they are turned off but still plugged into a power outlet."(1) Appliances that use this kind of power includes: refrigerators, coffeemakers, dishwashers, TVs, gaming stations and MUCH MORE!  Phantom power may be responsible for up to 10% of your electric bill!


According to the Utah's Institute for Energy Research, about 95% of our power comes from burning fossil fuels and 2% comes from hydroelectric or geothermal sources.(2)  When fuels are burned to make electricity, CO2, a major Green House Gas (GHG), is emitted into the atmosphere. GHG, like CO2, trap heat in the atmosphere, disrupting the Earth's climate.


Decreasing energy use, decreases GHG released into the 

atmosphere, reducing your carbon footprint. So have a lights-out lunch and unplug!


  1. Beth Brindle "How much can you save by unplugging appliances?" 10 October 2011. <> 10 January 2017


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